Based on the trailblazing research on facial expressions conducted
years ago by Paul Ekman, Dacher Keltner described the signs he saw when he
watched Clemens tell Congress in February of 2008, that he did not use
performance-enhancing drugs.
Keltner saw these clues when Clemens testified:
• Jiggling the legs.
• Touching the face.
• Speech hesitations.
• Stammering or repeating words.
• Nervously biting or licking the lip.
• Sudden rises in the pitch of their voice.
• Subtle facial expressions of negative emotion.
See, by comparison, what a universal and thus genuine display of
contrition looks like when Andy Pettitte apologizes for using human growth
hormone to recover from an elbow injury:
• Dropping his head down.
• Averting gaze, thus avoiding making eye contact with others.
• Muscle movements around the mouth display embarrassment and
shame: “The mentalis muscle is moving his chin up and tightening his lip corners,
and as a result, a crest is forming around the corners of his lips.”
To detect lying earlier find one tip at Six Off-Beat Ways to Get Along Better and to recognize a genuine smile read Told You Look Tired - But You Aren't?