blind spot was thinking that no one in the party would want a shot of him
smoking dope. Richardson’s dark spot was neglecting to mention a grand jury
investigation. Daschle’s dim spot
is not speaking up about not paying taxes on his special friend’s donated car
and driver. But the capper for comedians (wait until tonight on Colbert) is not mentioning to the president’s team (and their not checking) that $900 lien on your home from back in 2005 - when you’re asked to become the
nation’s first chief performance officer.
Like you, I pay my taxes but (unlike you, of course) I’d have reason to squirm if my whole life was put under a public microscope. But I’m not being nominated to live in a glass house.
Alternatively I’d like to become the nation’s first Chief Plain Language Officer. I’d require all regulations and legislation to be written in laymen’s language. But then my sometimes obtuse writing would be subject to parody. I think I’ll stick to enjoying "private" life.
What title would you like to have bestowed on you in this administration? Beware. Fame happens faster and reveals more details in an increasingly transparent world.