When conservative radio talk show host Glenn’s Beck’s "butt surgery" was featured on You Tube, the media, bloggers and a wild assortment of pundits had a field day covering it.
Are you ready if someone does something stupid at your organization? What if a fired worker tells a reporter lies about your organization or an accident or act of violence or other kind of harm happens on your site - or your product fails badly? And that's just the short list of possibilities in our new normal world where bad news travels faster, farther and in more directions than ever before.
Here’s my brief primer, tips from Chris Thomas for crisis planning - and Kami’s suggestions to get vital messages out quickly, using social media. Such planning may have saved lives at Virginia Tech.
Consider reading these short articles BEFORE a crisis hits. Don’t wait to be caught like a deer in headlights when people turn to you for guidance – or you pick up the phone to hear that reporter bluntly ask for your response.
Keep your people as safe as you can - and your organization’s reputation protected. Who knows? You may be the hero who gets a career boost.