...complains Eric Claus, CEO of the grocery store chain A&P when announcing what astute Shel Holtz describes as "single remarkably stupid legal action." You see two young brothers who worked at the store did not dangerously "Go postal." Go video is the ritual of their age group. So, yes, they filmed themselves acting like the testosteone-fueled teenage boys that they are, playing with produce in front of the store, when no one was around. And yes their video is "raunchy" ... and funny to some (not me). Yet few people noticed their homage to gangsta rap on YouTube until CNN interviewed the brothers, the store heard about it, then sued them. Stirred up a cause?
What would you do if an inane, downright stupid or - worse yet - funny video about your organization was posted on YouTube? In a lesson for all company leaders, Shel describes how the grocery chain may make enemies out of the situation rather than making friends and attracting positive media coverage. Also, he suggests how a competitor could turn the incident to their advantage.