Looking for very specific information on the internet? Frustrated? Try an alternative to google, suggests veteran freelance writer and colleague, Steve Bannister.
He’s found that Chacha, “is by far a more accurate search engine than Google and it has an extra twist: online (human!) guides free of charge. Just type in your information and search. If the results aren’t to your liking, click on the hotlink to have a live chat with a guide. These people at chacha.com are very friendly and quite helpful.” You can also get help from an expert at Ask A Librarian and Able2Know and AllExperts.
I've also had positive results with ChaCha. I also use Clusty because it clusters categories of results in the left column so I can search faster.
Other places to get your questions answered online:
Answers.Yahoo: - Perhap the largest of the question and answer sites.
Nownow: Ask a question, and get three responses via email.
KnowBrainers: Ask specific questions and get answers.
Wondir.com: Ask questions and browse current answers.
TheOpinionAggregator.com: Type in your question and this site will search the web for answers and opinions related to it. Same format at TheAnswerBank.
SimplyExplained: Get your questions answered by experts.
Such sites are positive reminders of the power of us to be smarter together than apart..