“Leadership is the ability to get others to do what you want, need or expect them to do, and help them feel good about doing it,” believes straight-talking, veteran media and communications coach, Arch Lustberg.
He adds, “It's the second part that's so elusive.”
According to Lustberg, today’s leaders need these traits:
1. Likeable
2. Trustworthy
3. Competent and experienced
4. Part of the team
5. Able and willing to participate
6. Ready to listen to everyone on the team
7. Adaptable to change
8. Eager to share in the creation, execution and praise.
In past presidential elections, Lustberg asserts that Eisenhower won for embodying the first three. Reagan won on Likeability and Clinton also won on likeability and competence and experience, despite a “trustworthy” weakness. “Dole lost to Clinton because he was so completely outclassed in category one that his strength in two and three simply didn't count.”
And the next election? Lustberg believes that the winner in 2008 will be the one that most voters believe has the first three.