(or you want to be) then help people find you when they want what you know. Share your ideas at some online communities or in a blog, vlog or podcast - or demonstrate your expertise with an example, illustrated with photos and captions. People and organizations as diverse as hoteliers, Realtors, Methodists, plastic surgeons and tea purveyors use social media to share their ideas to differentiate themselves from “the competition.” Also enjoy other benefits, such as attracting clients, media coverage and ideas for improving what you offer.
Join with other bloggers to attract more readers via MyBlogLog or a special interest community of bloggers such as recently-funded BlogHer or those who are bundled together to secure advertising revenue through Federated Media Publishing (headquartered just five minutes from me and at the opposite end of Sausalito from Grouper).
Perhaps participation in some of the online communities can help you find like-minded people who share one of your interests or need what you have to offer. Take a look at zaadz, gather or rapidly evolving Facebook.
Like to build a global community around your association, club, company or cause? Then see what social media features are proving to be popular and/or profitable by reading mashable, Paid Content, TechCrunch and Robin Good. Maybe you’ll partner with one of the groups you read about.
Also find like-minded people, possible employers, clients and friends from your past by posting your profile on LinkedIn and Spoke. Helps them and the media find you too.