Won't Get You There," the new book by leadership coach, Marshall Goldsmith and Mark Reiter covers “Twenty Habits That Hold You Back” in business.
They can help any relationship to flourish.
They are so simple to read yet difficult to consistently practice.
Here’s some:
• Telling the world how smart we are
• Clinging to the past
• Playing favorites
• Failing to express gratitude
These small "transactional flaws" - behavioral traits that enabled you get to a powerful position may stall or even destroy your career, according to the authors. They may also capsize your marriage or friendships.
Read more in the book and hear the interview over at 800-CEO-READ and another one at the Podcast Network.
Sheepishly I admit to being guilty of Habit #2: Adding too much value. Marshal’s unvarnished description how it affects others has been a wake-up call for me.
For another shortcoming of mine, resisting negative feedback, I am practicing his "Feedforward" suggestions.
One quibble: I am a fan and friend of Goldsmith and have long admired his acuman and generosity so I was somewhat surprised by the heavy promotion of his "$250,000 fee" and repeated mention of him as "America's Most Famous Executive Coach" as that approach seems to fly in the face of the humility-oriented slant of the book.