From Michael Wiederman’s recent article in Scientific American Mind, ”Why It’s So Hard to Be Happy” you get five tips for being happier.
Here’s one key takeaway for me, living in Marin County where the extremely wealthy live among some who are barely getting by in homes they bought long ago and immigrants who stand on street corners, waiting for a pick-up job:
“…. the greater the income disparity within a community, the less its residents were satisfied with their lives, ” discovered Michael R. Hagerty of the Graduate School of Management at U Cal Davis.
Wiederman concludes, “When we are aware that others are better off than we are, our own satisfaction suffers.”
Thank you Steve.
Now take free test to find out how happy you really are -then build a more resilient, joyful life for yourself by reading the groundbreaking book, Learned Optimism by Marty Seligman.