… who you are and what you stand for. That's putting personality behind your cause.”
When I read that sentence to describe the mission of the cause marketing firm, Personality™ I knew I wanted to read more about their methodology and the people behind it. Those of you who’ve read my book, SmartPartnering, know that I feel passionately about the power of partnering with other organizations that match your values and brand personality. I know, first-hand, that 1 + 1 of the right partners (read compatible brand personality with different resources) can equal far more than 2 in generating stand-out value and visibility.
As you add each new “right” partner, your capacity to delight your kind of “customers” goes up exponentially. Any kind or size of business, non-profit or even government agency can become more valuable with this approach.
If you, too, believe this is a flattening world, favoring those who practice the Power of Us, then you’ll want to look closely at the brand personality of You and of your organization. Although Brad Abare’s firm, Personality, is dedicated to supporting cause campaigns, their approach and insights can help anyone.
Read, for example, about the film company behind the movie Amazing Grace or the Wow Jam.
Or, see how the brand personality, Obama has inspired 4,000 people to start blogs and 2,400 groups to pop up on his site, within five days of the site launching. Those groups are as diverse as Iowa Union Members for Obama, New Hampshire Firefighters for Barack and Hip Hop for Obama. Popular Resonance Partnership blogger, Marianne Richmond provides thoughtful commentary on the power of this palpable connection.
Then see how MediSys, a three-hospital health network in New York City puts the human face on their facilities through a blog that includes video and audio “embedded right in the page.
That’s a first among hospitals that makes those who follow seem “me too.”
TypePad reinforces its brand personality by shining a spotlight on the innovative way their clients, including MediSys use of their services.
Another of my favorite “first of a kind” brand personalities that TypePad spotlights is beguilingly unique Amy Stewart, “author of Flower Confidential, an adventurous exploration of the global cut-flower industry.”
Collectively, these fascinating brand personalities certainly raise the bar for the rest of us.